Hi. My name's Kimb.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I Can't Stand "Arrested Development." Is Something Wrong With Me? (No.)

I can't stand "Arrested Development."  I know, I'm sorry.  But there it is.  It's not that I can't appreciate what the show is trying to do, on a technical level I can appreciate the obvious talent and creativity that goes into a show whose script you could explicate like a Dickens novel.

Not that I care much for Dickens, either.

Watching the show just makes me sad.  Not in a deep down, we're all alone and going to die sort of way, but in the I already know we're alone and mortal and this is not how I want to be spending my time.

It's the same feeling I used to get at one of my horrible hourly jobs.  And while the stupid shit the manager said was genuinely funny, to the point that I would save choice quotes to share among friends, or even put up on my blog (oh, when the Internet was young, and bosses never read your MySpace page), living through them was unbelievably disheartening.

That, and I could watch every single last character die an awful death on that show, and it would be my equivalent of the Guiligan's Island where they all get off the island.  At last!